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Chapter 17 Vocabulary & Questions

-- By Wade Harmon


HTML- stands for Hypertext Markup Language, the code used to create web pages

Tag- a specific piece of HTML code used to tell a web browser how information should be displayed

Web editor- software that creates HTML code automatically as part of the Web design process

Web site- one or more Web pages linked to form a single site

Home page- the first page of a Web site; it is generally saved as index

FTP- the means of transferring files from one computer to another over a network

Web server- a computer used to store and broadcast web pages

Hacking a site- the unauthorized modification of a web site, usually in ways that distort the original purpose of the site


  1. What is the advantage of HTML code over other forms of software?
    HTML is a universal code that allows anyone using browser software to view a document

  2. How does HTML function?
    HTML functions as a translator for codes into writing

  3. What function does a tag serve?
    The tag provides the information for a web page

  4. What tag opens and closes all Web pages?
    The forward slash

  5. How can you see the HTML code used to create a Web page?
    By clicking “view” on the menu bar in Internet Explorer and then clicking “source”

  6. What software can you use to create Web pages if you do not want to write your own code?
    Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe GoLive

  7. What is the advantage of using WYSIWYG editor?
    Easy to design Web pages quickly

  8. What makes Web editing software different from other publication software?
    In publication software you can make and see the final product in one software, in Web editing software you make the product in one software and see the final product in another software

  9. How is a home page generally saved?
    As a index

  10. What is ftp software used for?
    to connect, transfer and broadcast files through a server

  11. What are some limitations you must consider when designing pages?
    How much code can you borrow from other web pages, and how much information to be put in the page

  12. What should you never assume when designing a Web page?
    There’s too much info

  13. What are the two extension options used for web pages, and which should you use?
    Tags, and hyperlink

  14. How many characters should you use in naming the Web page?

  15. What punctuation should you avoid when naming a Web page?
    slashes and hashes